Dec 24, 2012

One big, happy, ceramic family!

        Over the past few months I have submitted works to various places in hopes of getting my foot into the
gallery world.  Wish us luck!
Chelsea Tea Set.  ^6 Oxidation.  White stoneware, colored slip, stain wash.

Jill, John, and Jess (with Caddie).   ^6 Oxidation.  White stoneware, colored slip, stain wash.
         These pieces are submissions for the show Game, Set, Match at Baltimore Clayworks.  This show is jurried by Ayumi Horie!

Goings on...

     Well hello everyone!
It feels likes its been forever since I've posted (I think it's because it has been)!  This past semester was my busiest ever.  On top of my regular course load and job, I added another job and an internship. It was a lot of hard work and I pushed myself very hard, but in the end it payed off.  I am pleased to say that I have finally graduated from Arcadia University with my BFA in ceramics! Not only that, my GPA was 3.93!  I am very proud of myself.  Additionally, the art department held its Arcadia Made sale again this year.  This was a wonderful confidence boost for me.  To see that my work was totally desirable was just the greatest feeling and gave me that push I needed to get on track.  Now that I am finished school, I'll be working at the university as studio manager and will hopefully start building an inventory.  More to come!  Also, check the gallery as I have updated it!


Sep 20, 2012

Chelsea, Fred and Virginia

I am very excited to announce that I applied for the 2013 student show at NCECA! Pictured above is my submission page.  Below are the lovely applicants.

Wish us all luck!

Aug 13, 2012

Claire goes to Clayworks!

Claire, 2012
    This is a super exciting little picture I have here!  Why?  This picture shows one of my mugs in an exhibition on Baltimore Clayworks' website.  What a great moment!  Hopefully I'll get to see a lot more of these in the future! 
     As a side note, seeing my soon-to-be married name next to my mug is really amazing as well. We are getting married in less than a year!

Here's the link again for the rest of the gallery.

 Also, you may notice that I only have to beat out a measly 150 other wonderful cups.  Any luck you can send my way would be greatly appreciated!

Jul 23, 2012

Solo Cup Benefit Exhibition at Clayworks

Wheel thrown and altered
     Meet Claire.  She has just been shipped out to Baltimore, MD for a show benefiting the Baltimore Clayworks facility and its programs.  The open submission show begins August 11th and will be up until September 1st.  The top five favorite cups will have the opportunity to submit a portfolio and win a solo show in 2013.  How exciting!! 

Find out more HERE about the exhibition and the Clayworks

Wish me (and Claire) luck!

click HERE to see the show online!

Jul 13, 2012

The Big 1000!

Image credit to tazsaints
Today I discovered that my site has been viewed over a thousand times!  How exciting!  Thanks everybody for the confidence boost.  Little things like this help me feel like I will be able to succeed with my work and in my chosen field. 

Plus I also got this picture today on facebook....
I love to see my work being used in its new home.  My day has been made.  :)

Thanks again everyone!

May 23, 2012

What a mess!

After finally getting my space at school all packed up and brought back home...this is what my studio looks like.  ...WHOA

Time to clean!

Apr 30, 2012


Arcadia Senior Thesis

 Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to my first exhibition!  I heard a lot of good things from
everyone and a lot of interest in the work!  Better images will be available as well corresponding prices.

Left Shelf
Right Shelf

Table Top

Apr 24, 2012

Arcadia Senior Thesis Show

     Hey everyone!  I am finally just coming out from the other side of my thesis semester.  It has been a long road full of making, destroying and learning.  Images of my new body of work (In process, finished, and installed) will be up as soon as the show is installed.

Come support myself and my fellow artists at the Arcadia University Senior Thesis Exhibition
Friday April 26th 2012
8PM thru 10PM

Please attend if you can!  I hope to see you there!


Jan 25, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Whispering Pods

    For the last year or so, I have been obsessed with creating what I call my pods.  I stumbled upon this form, by initially wanting to make a set of piggy banks.  But as fate would have it, banks were not what they wanted to be.  It is important that I mention here, that a huge part of being an artist is listening to your chosen medium.  Crazy or not, you should.  Anyway, the banks were not working out, so instead of giving up, I played.  I was having fun with the form, but noticed that they were starting to look...well vaginal.  So what does any girl do when faced with a crisis?...Call their Mom.  And that is exactly what i did.
    I told her my worries for the work, I thought they may get too vaginal, and began doubting them.  In true mother fashion she replied, "If they're vaginal, then run with it!  Make it intentionally vaginal, just go all out."  Long story short, that is exactly what I did. 

Jan 18, 2012


Today Andrew made his first loaf of bread!  He's been on a baking kick recently, so we have been enjoying a plethora of goodies.  ...And what a better way to display home made baked goods, than on a hand made plate!  It is really a wonderful feeling knowing that you're lucky enough to have found your soul-mate, and even more so when they share your love for creating.  :)
Andrew's French Bread on Ashley's Bread Plate

Jan 13, 2012

"...Do Something" Challenge

5 Cups, 5 Plates ...Do Something
     Ok, so when we last left off, I was terrified of this ...Do Something challenge that I had created for myself.  It was, at the least, something that I was dreading to do.  I kept putting this little challenge of mine off because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it.  BUT, as I started to sketch out some ideas, it came somewhat naturally... HOORAY!  Here is what I ended up with...

Jan 8, 2012

Blank Canvas Terror!

     A blank canvas.  What is scarier than that? NOTHING, that's what.  The idea of a completely blank canvas, or surface in my case, is just plain frightening.  For me it's the fact that there are limitless options.  You can do anything you want with a blank canvas and could never be wrong no matter what you decide.  Have such freedom is liberating to some.  NOPE. Not me.  Too much choice can have a dwarfing effect on some people.  I always envied those who could just sit and doodle masterpieces, because I just don't get it.  When I am presented with a completely directionless canvas, my brain explodes.  The worst projects in school for me are those with no guidelines.  I call them the "...Do Something" projects.  Take a something.  Take a piece of something.  WHAT THE HELL?  I absolutely hated those projects, and they always turned out like crap.  I need direction, I crave guidelines.  Creative freedom is not for me.