Jan 8, 2012

Blank Canvas Terror!

     A blank canvas.  What is scarier than that? NOTHING, that's what.  The idea of a completely blank canvas, or surface in my case, is just plain frightening.  For me it's the fact that there are limitless options.  You can do anything you want with a blank canvas and could never be wrong no matter what you decide.  Have such freedom is liberating to some.  NOPE. Not me.  Too much choice can have a dwarfing effect on some people.  I always envied those who could just sit and doodle masterpieces, because I just don't get it.  When I am presented with a completely directionless canvas, my brain explodes.  The worst projects in school for me are those with no guidelines.  I call them the "...Do Something" projects.  Take a picture...do something.  Take a piece of paper...do something.  WHAT THE HELL?  I absolutely hated those projects, and they always turned out like crap.  I need direction, I crave guidelines.  Creative freedom is not for me.

     So when it came to my work, I just left it that way.  Sure, I had the occasional flourish, here and there, but mainly it ended up looking like this...
Sugar/Creamer Set. Sweet Mint.  May '11
     Now, don't get me wrong, this is a perfectly wonderful little set I made.  In fact, it's sitting in my sister's kitchen, and one of my favorites!  But if I am going to seriously pursue ceramics, the surface needs a lot of work. So I gave myself a little challenge.
5 plates. 5 cups. ...Do something.
   UGH.  Those two words again.  But what great way to tackle such a scary endeavor...  We'll see how it works out!

Stay Muddy,


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