Jan 25, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Whispering Pods

    For the last year or so, I have been obsessed with creating what I call my pods.  I stumbled upon this form, by initially wanting to make a set of piggy banks.  But as fate would have it, banks were not what they wanted to be.  It is important that I mention here, that a huge part of being an artist is listening to your chosen medium.  Crazy or not, you should.  Anyway, the banks were not working out, so instead of giving up, I played.  I was having fun with the form, but noticed that they were starting to look...well vaginal.  So what does any girl do when faced with a crisis?...Call their Mom.  And that is exactly what i did.
    I told her my worries for the work, I thought they may get too vaginal, and began doubting them.  In true mother fashion she replied, "If they're vaginal, then run with it!  Make it intentionally vaginal, just go all out."  Long story short, that is exactly what I did. 

Jan 18, 2012


Today Andrew made his first loaf of bread!  He's been on a baking kick recently, so we have been enjoying a plethora of goodies.  ...And what a better way to display home made baked goods, than on a hand made plate!  It is really a wonderful feeling knowing that you're lucky enough to have found your soul-mate, and even more so when they share your love for creating.  :)
Andrew's French Bread on Ashley's Bread Plate

Jan 13, 2012

"...Do Something" Challenge

5 Cups, 5 Plates ...Do Something
     Ok, so when we last left off, I was terrified of this ...Do Something challenge that I had created for myself.  It was, at the least, something that I was dreading to do.  I kept putting this little challenge of mine off because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it.  BUT, as I started to sketch out some ideas, it came somewhat naturally... HOORAY!  Here is what I ended up with...

Jan 8, 2012

Blank Canvas Terror!

     A blank canvas.  What is scarier than that? NOTHING, that's what.  The idea of a completely blank canvas, or surface in my case, is just plain frightening.  For me it's the fact that there are limitless options.  You can do anything you want with a blank canvas and could never be wrong no matter what you decide.  Have such freedom is liberating to some.  NOPE. Not me.  Too much choice can have a dwarfing effect on some people.  I always envied those who could just sit and doodle masterpieces, because I just don't get it.  When I am presented with a completely directionless canvas, my brain explodes.  The worst projects in school for me are those with no guidelines.  I call them the "...Do Something" projects.  Take a picture...do something.  Take a piece of paper...do something.  WHAT THE HELL?  I absolutely hated those projects, and they always turned out like crap.  I need direction, I crave guidelines.  Creative freedom is not for me.