Jul 23, 2012

Solo Cup Benefit Exhibition at Clayworks

Wheel thrown and altered
     Meet Claire.  She has just been shipped out to Baltimore, MD for a show benefiting the Baltimore Clayworks facility and its programs.  The open submission show begins August 11th and will be up until September 1st.  The top five favorite cups will have the opportunity to submit a portfolio and win a solo show in 2013.  How exciting!! 

Find out more HERE about the exhibition and the Clayworks

Wish me (and Claire) luck!

click HERE to see the show online!

Jul 13, 2012

The Big 1000!

Image credit to tazsaints
Today I discovered that my site has been viewed over a thousand times!  How exciting!  Thanks everybody for the confidence boost.  Little things like this help me feel like I will be able to succeed with my work and in my chosen field. 

Plus I also got this picture today on facebook....
I love to see my work being used in its new home.  My day has been made.  :)

Thanks again everyone!