Jan 22, 2014

Open For Business!

My Etsy shop is now up and running!
I have lots of sweet new pieces available for purchase and ready to ship! Head on over!


Aug 2, 2013

Charlie and Charlotte Go to Clayworks!

Its that time of year again! Baltimore Clayworks offers an open call for entries for their show: Solo Cup Benefit Exhibition.  Artists donate cups to the Clayworks an in turn they are eligible for a chance at their own solo show!

The show opens August 17th! Be sure to check it out!

Also, I will have a June/July POTM up soon! There will still be two artists, and THREE(!) pieces!! It has been a crazy busy summer but it will be up soon!

Jun 2, 2013

May POTM: Jason Burnett

     Sooo late this month! With the wedding getting ever so close and studio moves, I completely forgot to write about this month's awesome piece! I am really very excited to finally own a piece from this month's artist Jason Burnett.  He has had a HUGE influence on my current work and really changed my way of thinking about surface.  I first read about Jason in Ceramics Monthly, where he had been published for his printmaking style of surface decoration.  The timing of this article could not have been better. I was desperate for inspiration on surface treatment and his approach drove me really explore depth in my work.


     Like I said, I am VERY excited to own one of Jason's pieces.  His work is very popular, and I always seem to find the work too late!  When I heard that he was participating in AKAR's yunomi invitational, I was stoked.  This little guy is perfect for light summer sipping.  There is a thumb dent in the back (not pictured) that makes holding it very comfortable.  One of my favorite features of the yunomi is how it "floats" off the table.  By having such a severe gap between the foot and the walls of the cup, he creates a trompe l'oeil floating effect making it feel like it is hovering in space.  :)
    Jason has a very involved process for his surfaces.  Originally a printmaker, Jason incorporates those roots into his ceramic work.  He starts by screen printing slip onto news print and then transferring that to his freshly slipped work.  From there he adds stamping and other marks to the piece.
      My fascination begins with the vocabulary of vessels. They narrate our domestic interiors and reflect daily routines. Stained coffee cups, cracked collector plates, and precious ceramic heirlooms all have stories that are worth translating.
Through personal expression of stains, implied cracks and over refined patterns I suggest evidence of my own calamitous tales of adolescence, variations of landscape and interest in pop culture. I aspire to create fantastical vessels that celebrate vulnerability and beauty, sugarcoat life’s escapades and serve as a bridge between the real and surreal.

To learn more about Jason and his work check out his website or his facebook page!

Stay tuned for June's POTM; another Andrew pick!
Don't know whats going on? Click here to read about my POTM project!

Thanks Everyone!

May 2, 2013

Small Favors VIII

     Come down to The Clay Studio in Philadelphia to see me and my work! I am very pleased to say that Sophia the Tiny has been accepted into the show Small Favors VIII. The Clay Studio is one of my favorite ceramic galleries and I am honored to be a part of this show! There are a lot of great pieces so come check the out. If you cannot makes tin person check out the online gallery here.  The show opens Friday, May 3rd 2013 between 5pm and 9pm.  See you there!

Sophia the Tiny. ^6 Stoneware, Slips, Stain Wash, Gold Lustre.

     Also, I am very happy to announce that I will be a featured artist at the First United Methodist Church of Moorestown, Nj this June.  On June 7th, 2013, I will be at the first friday cafe and sale.  My work will be on display and for sale, with a percentage of my proceeds going to the monthly charity. Check back later this month for more info!

Apr 22, 2013

Piece of the Month: Nick Ramey

Hello All!
Its about that time for another installment of my extended new years resolution quest. This month I decided to go with a terracotta piece for one specific reason; I don't have one piece of functional terracotta. Well I have had my eye on this bowl for some time and I am super excited to have it in our new home. YES, you read that correctly. Andrew and I moved into our new place at the begining of the month. We brought very few dishes and things, so our cabinets are just asking for new work to be added.

Anyway, here is April's POTM



     So I am in LOVE with this little bowl.  I first read about Nick in Ceramics Monthly some time back and was wowed by his work.  Its so rich and vibrant.  He builds in these moments for his washes that only deepen his treatment of the surface.  The bottom of the bowl has an awesome chattered texture (I love chattering!) and the rich red really pops against the green. Oh, and that green!  The color is right up my alley. There is a great subtle texture on the outside from the circles.  I really enjoy how the rim is thick, but the because of the foot, the piece isn't clunky. It looks like its defying gravity.  :)

Nick Ramey is currently an artist in residence at the Baltimore Clayworks. He has been published in both Ceramics Monthly as well as Larks 500 series. His work consists of washed terracotta pieces that are both thrown and handbuilt.

"Throughout my career in the field of ceramics, creating functional pottery has always been important. I believe that handmade pottery should be beautiful to look at, and equally important, should be comfortable to use on a daily basis. The aesthetic qualities and functionality should go hand and hand to make the piece truly successful. I like to think of my pottery as functional sculptures, which will keep the viewer coming back day after day, discovering something new each time. My work uses red earthenware clay along with underglazes, slips, ceramic decals, and metallic luster. The inspiration comes from both handmade and commercial ceramics, from the functional to the kitschy, and I am trying to create interesting juxtapositions between these different elements."

Learn more about Nick Ramey and his amazing work here.

Find out more about the POTM project here!